Women and gender equality in the European Parliament

L-Erbgħa 8 ta’ Marzu 2023 17:00 18:00



On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, the European Parliament Liaison Office Luxembourg invites you on 8 March at 17:00 to an information session.  The event will be held in English online on MS Teams. Click here to join the meeting

The European Parliament’s Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Unit will present Parliament’s ‘Women in the European Parliament’ brochure, which it has published every year on International Women’s Day since 2008.

In recent years, a special focus has been put on improving the gender balance in management positions in the Secretariat of the European Parliament. In 2017, Parliament’s Bureau adopted a report setting targets for representation of women among Heads of Unit, Directors and Directors-General. In 2020, the Bureau approved new and more ambitious targets: 50% women Heads of Unit, 50% women Directors and 40% women Directors-General.

Every year on International Women’s Day, the Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Unit publishes a brochure entitled ‘Women in the European Parliament’. The brochure gives an overview of the state of play on gender balance targets and presents gender balance statistics for both the political and administrative sides of the House. The brochure also contains thematic contributions from political representatives and senior members of the administration working on gender.


The European Parliament’s Secretariat of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality will explain you more about “the European Parliament’s role in supporting Gender Equality”.

The European Parliament’s Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality - FEMM - promotes and defends the rights of women both in the European Union and beyond. As such, it acts horizontally, across the whole scope of EU law, from transport to agriculture, science to employment - everywhere and anywhere where women’s rights may be impacted.

This presentation shall give a brief overview of the current activities of the FEMM committee – legislation, reports, hearings and more.